Members’ Benefits

HOMEMembers’ Benefits

Membership benefits

Members of JCCI Singapore can enjoy the following benefits: –


Stay Connected with Valuable and Useful Business Information & Knowledge

Get valuable information and useful knowledge from lecturers at our Monthly Seminar and Workshop.

Monthly Seminar


Strengthen Your Network 

Network with your peers and top business leaders at various sub-committee activities and big-scale events such as “8 Sub-Committee New Year Party”, “JCCI Year-End Party”, “JCCI Golf Competition” and etc.

Business Management Consultation

For members only.


Overseas Site Visits

Explore your overseas business opportunities.

Increase Your Visibility

  • Be listed in our on-line Membership Directory
  • *Advertisement opportunities in  JCCI Website Banner ( / Email Service / “Geppo” (JCCI Monthly Magazine)

(*These are chargeable services. Please email to for more information.)


Get the Latest Wages Trend Information

Members are invited to take part in annual wage survey and the compiled report is shared with participating members on complimentary basis.

Wage Survey Seminar

Wage Survey Report

Let Your Voices Be Heard

Share your views, learn from other members and grow businesses together.


10 Shenton Way  #12-04/05 MAS Building  Singapore 079117
Tel : (65) 6221-0541 Fax : (65) 6225-6197
Email :

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